Thursday, July 2, 2009

Man Week: contagious catharsis for lots of dudes

Right now, I am overlwhelmed by the awesome and contagious contributions of bloggers for #ManWeek. I'll attempt to highlight all of the individual posts for Man Week and please add some if I've missed them, but first the context...

Reach Out's Man Week is a team effort with triple j to get guys to get it out (what goes on inside). Reach Out has a pretty meaty purpose that goes beyond this week too: to de-stigmatise men's mental health issues and reduce the high rates of suicide in young men (and women) by providing the info, support and enouragement that everyone needs once in a while, through Reach Out.

Getting it out is the first step, but it never stops, and gets easier.

It starts with guys getting stuff off their chest. Getting everyone cool with that that is half of the battle, and it seems half won today - through the contagious posts and conversarions of bloggers and the Reach Out crew today.

Finding ways to deal with life as a guy aren't just 'around'. Let's create them.

Reach Out has been around for about 10 years, but now there are some manhood movements popping up in blogs,songs and videos aswell. How can we amplify the voices of those guys who can be mole rodels* for the guys who are slightly younger and, and make it big? Australia wide big? Mark Pollard's idea for a man-shawl fundraiser for men's mental health is great food for thought.

Or maybe it's all about the tactical - the beauty of that tagging function...? Guys tagging other guys to participate in #ManWeek - Thanks Gavin

What's interesting is that for guys, finding ways to deal is the most important bit. For women, it's more about talking it over (or is that latent rhetoric from chirping mums on that Venus and Mars book?)

Enough pontificating from the perspective of a woman. Here's the dudes posts so far. Add yours next (please).

1. Mark Pollard - Why some men are so lost - Man Week

2. Jye Smith – returning to Columbia

3. Gavin Heaton – blogging and amplifying every day this week

4. Julian Cole - bullying and gives help seeking practical props

5. Zac Martin – Balls on the line – 19 yr old

6. Joely Righteous – My current and greatest challenge (man week)

7. Luke Harvey Palmer – Father and Son Day

8. Franksting - Damn the 80's (thanks to #manweek and Reach Out Australia)

9. Joel (another one) Man Week – Being young and learning about masculinity

10. Stan Lee

11. Matt Hazel –dealing with bullies

12. Media hunter – media and males

13. Matt Moore – being a dad

I hope and trust these guys stories will make you want to blog. It might take a bit to begin with, but it sounds like it will be so worth it (that's what the guys are saying)

*mole rodel: less parent/teacher-like way of saying role models

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